Wednesday, November 11, 2009


hehehe.. a new word! i'll be moving to Kulimfornia for good..

as for today, kami dah pi sekolah along angah ambik borang pindah sekolah.. have to send it back to the school ASAP so that diorang boleh proses semua benda.. and bagi balik kat kami.. after that we have to send the forms and everything ke sekolah di Kulimfornia.. pas tu tunggu la whether along angah diterima masuk ke tak..

kat sana ada 2 sekolah.. SK Taman Kulim Hitech or SK Tunku Abdul Malik.. kalau sk kulim hitech tu.. katanya dekat aa ngan kawasan perumahan yang kami cadang nak sewa tu..

after gi sekolah tadi.. kami gi Maybank pulak.. pasal housing loan pulak.. kami apply to reduce the interest rate.. alhamdulillah kurang la jugak dalam rm200.. berbaloi la tu kan.. anyway.. quite frustrated sebab application for HSBC Housing Loan-i tak approve.. dia nye benefit lagi best.. lagi byk kurangnya for sebulan if dapat this housing loan.. tapi nak buat camne... gaji kecik tapi utang keliling pinggang, bank pun takut nak approve.. anyway.. 2 things has been accomplished for today..

next week man nak buat medical checkup.. now, this is another dilemma.. Man tak sure nak declare dia ada diabetes ke tak in the medical form.. hehehe.. dah tanya few frens.. memula suruh declare je.. but then bila man tanya.. what if because of this declaration, dia tak diterima bekerja? and man dah pun tender with his old company.. so how? last2 diorang kata terpulang pada man la nak declare ke tak.. hehehhee.. but to me.. the best is, just declare.. see how it goes.. tapi suspend la jugak kan..

enough for today nye accomplishment.. hehehe.. sambung esok..