salam diary,
sedihnye ari nih.. got to know.. that someone yg i kenal from YM rupanya bengang with me..
patut la all this while bile tanya dia macam jawab tanak jawab je.. rupanya dia marah ngan aku..
mmg aku banyak tanya dia pasal webdesigning ni especially using joomla.. and dia sendiri cakap dia mmg sokong orang buat bisnes ni.. and work hard for it.. thats what i'm doing.. but then.. theres something yg aku buat dia tak suka.. which is i took his sample/content from his website and put it on my website.. ok.. i admit i did that.. tapi tak ikut 100%.. aku remove mana2 part yang tak related with me.. bukannye aku tiru sebijik2 dari web dia and letak kat my web.. argghh sedihnya...
this is what he wrote kat YM yang buat aku terhidu rupanya dia ni marah ngan aku..
"awak ni dh jadi competitor sy.... kena lah ada marketing strategy sendiri"
dia jawab macam ni sebab aku tanya dia on the price yang dia akan caj if ada company nak buat website ngan dia... aku just nak compare rate dia.. sebab aku mmg tak de pengalaman lagi on how much people charge to do the website using CMS Joomla nih... that is why aku tanya dia...
tah la ye.. all this while i was like mmg nak berkawan ngan dia and to know or get more knowledge on the web biz.. tapi cenggini lak jadiknya..
well.. i've learnt my lesson.. and thank you.. dia bagitau.. aku tak marah ngan dia.. infact i blame myself for not thinking first before developing my website and also my taking for granted on people yg dah bagi ilmu pada aku..
thanks again.. for your help...