actually i have no intention to go to eagle ranch for holiday.. but because i receive a free voucher for one night stay at eagle ranch for free, so we agree to bring the children there.. i was selected to receive the voucher for becoming the first 100 members of Anjung Seri.. hehe unexpected.. this is my 2nd time being tha Anjung Seri Magazine members.. i did not renewed my membership the last time i registered.. so i have subscribe the membership again. so here are the photos taken while we were there.. my children looooovvvveee playing in the pool.. the regular activity if we go to any hotels...

ni view pool kat situ..

ni bertiga beradik mandi sakan.. -->
<-- bertiga dok posing sakan ehhh...

ni macam nak bergaduh je.. dalam air pun nak bergumpal depa 2 orang nih... -->
ni yusof
8 yrs old

<-- this is irfan 7 yrs old sufiah 4 yrs old